Thursday, June 18, 2015

Android Wear or Pebble Time — which is best for you?

Android Wear or Pebble Time — which is best for you?

Choices can be hard. Especially when both are great choices.

Smartwatches are uniquely personal pieces of technology. We all want a phone that has a certain look or feel, and most of us think our choice says something about who we are, and how we want people to perceive us. When it comes to our watch — essentially a piece of jewelry — things go a step further. When it's a smartwatch, one with which we interact and do more than see what time it is, things get even more complicated.

And the "style" bit is just part of it. When you spend money on a smartwatch, you are buying more than just looks. You're interested in the features, the interface, the ecosystem and how it all aligns itself together. A smartwatch needs to do more than tell you what time it is (though it needs to do that very well) and what it can do and how it does it is every bit as important as how it looks.

We've got plenty of great choices when it comes to Android-compatible smartwatches. Android Wear is the crowd favorite (with good reason) and is Google's player in this game. But with the release of the Pebble Time, there's an additional choice that we can't overlook.

Let's break it down and figure out which is the better choice for you — Android Wear or the Pebble Time.

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