Saturday, July 27, 2013

What's more important to you for the next iPad mini, battery life or Retina Display? [Poll]

What's more important to you for the next iPad mini, battery life or Retina Display? [Poll]

Small tablets are back in the news this week with Google's new, 1080p capable Nexus 7, prompting many folk to question why Apple can't do the same with the iPad mini. It isn't quite as simple as slapping on a 1080p display, and there are many things to consider in a theoretical Retina equipped iPad mini. One big one is battery life; Apple won't ship until they've managed to get the battery life to their liking, so we're asking you guys. What's more important to you for the next iPad mini, battery life or a Retina Display.

No doubts, the Retina Display on the full sized iPad is stunning, and a total joy to look at. Indeed, speaking personally, the display on the iPad mini is my only disappointment with the device in an otherwise Retina filled world. But, the full sized iPad still experiences great battery life with that Retina Display, so in trading up to it you haven't had to suffer any additional inconvenience. On the other side of the argument, we use tablets differently to our smartphones, so would losing a couple of hours of battery life really be that noticeable?

We want to hear your opinions, so drop us a vote up top and head into the comments to give us your detailed thoughts. Would you trade off battery life for that gorgeous Retina Display, or is it more important that you get more life between charges? Perhaps, you're happy holding off until you can have both? Let us know!


Malin Akerman
Mila Kunis
Eliza Dushku
Adriana Lima

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