Friday, September 9, 2011

TouchPad Android port project fizzles, but not quite dead

TouchPad Android port project fizzles, but not quite dead

Youtube link for mobile viewing

Let's hope the recent upheaval in the TouchDroid realm -- that's the endeavor to get Android properly ported onto the nearly extinct HP TouchPad -- doesn't completely derail the project, but things have looked better, folks. There's been some back and forth about code, and some milk spilled, apparently. But there's also the video you see above, which walks you through booting a very alpha build of Android on the TouchPad.

Again: Very alpha. As in, 99 percent of you (and us) have no business trying this, even if you happen to have a TouchPad. In fact, if you manage to sit through this entire video, you're better men and women than we are. This is low-level stuff, and we're perfectly happy kibitzing this one. More deets are at the links below, and let's hope things get started again eventually.

Source: TouchDroid 1, 2

Eliza Dushku
Adriana Lima

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