Thursday, September 8, 2011

Google Maps updated, lets you see places you've rated 4 and 5 star and attach photos to your reviews

Google Maps updated, lets you see places you've rated 4 and 5 star and attach photos to your reviews

Google Maps update

Big G has updated Google Maps to version 5.10.0, and with the update comes two features that users might just love -- the ability to see places you've rated 4 or 5 stars right on your map view, and the ability to attach a photo to a place review.

Some of us just use maps for the awesome turn-by-turn navigation, or to find that little seafood place your brother-in-law told you about with the great clam chowder, but places and check-ins are another great feature we rarely mention.  With today's update, they get pushed a little closer to the front of the action, with places you like showing up right on your map so you don't forget about them.  Could be awful handy for the business traveler, deadhead, or anyone who often finds themselves jaunting across the country in a different bed each night.  And to help others know about those great places you visit, you can attach a photo to your review.

OK, so it's not the biggest update in the world, but it does offer a nice bump for the folks who use the places features, and is a good way to get more of us to use them.  It will be interesting just how Google works places and reviews from Maps into things now that they've bought out Zagat.  Grab the update from the Android Market, or we've got a handy link after the break.

Thanks, Jason! 

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Nikki Reed
Elisha Cuthbert

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