Sunday, August 28, 2011

One-of-a-kind Verizon Samsung Galaxy S II not found on Amazon [the old switcheroo]

One-of-a-kind Verizon Samsung Galaxy S II not found on Amazon [the old switcheroo]


Take a look at the picture you see here.  Clear your head and take a long hard look at it (we'll wait).  See it yet?  I'll give a hint -- it's not a Samsung Galaxy S II with a big juicy Verizon logo up top, no matter how bad we all wanted it to be.  When we read the caption attached to this picture uploaded at Amazon, things start to make some sense:

Ordered a Galaxy S II from Warehouse Deals, received a Verizon Galaxy S. Sad that people take advantage of Amazon like this...I hope whoever stole the Galaxy S II gets caught.

Now we weren't there so we don't know exactly how this went down, but it sure looks like someone ordered a Galaxy S II from Amazon, then slapped the screen covering on a Samsung Fascinate, threw it in the box and sent it in for a refund.  With stock being low and demand being high, it slipped through and was sent to another customer. 

Feeling a little pissed off yet?  Yeah, I am, too.  It's not like it was my money, or this happened to a SGS II that was destined for my doorstep, but I can't help but feel a little outrage.  We're pretty sure Amazon will make this right -- they're Amazon.  We do have to agree with the gentleman who was expecting a shiny SGS II ready for his AT&T SIM card -- we hope whoever did this gets caught.  And maybe sent to some Russian Gulag to atone for his (or her) sins.  OK, maybe that's a bit too far.

This all goes to show just what hype will do to people.  We keep hearing about how something will be "the best one yet", and we'll be getting it soon.  After a while, this has one of two effects; you get jaded and stop caring, or you let it consume you.  I'm here to tell you, there is no best one, because the next one will always be the best one.  I've decided I'm not going to ride the hyperbole train any longer and just use what I have, and love it.  My old scratched Nexus One may not have that Super AMOLED HD screen I've been crying for, but I dropped my SIM card back in it, and made myself smile.  Do I still want a great new Android phone to use and abuse?  Of course I do.  I'm just not going to worry about when it gets here any longer.

Thanks, intheb0x for the link and pic! 

Avril Lavigne

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