Saturday, September 10, 2011

Safely unroot your Droid Bionic with Pete's Motorola Root Tools

Safely unroot your Droid Bionic with Pete's Motorola Root Tools

Droid Bionic

For many of us, half the fun of getting a new Android phone is digging in and trying to break it make it our own.  The Droid Bionic is no exception of course, and folks are having a blast getting methods all sorted to root and customize the Bionic, unlocking it's full potential.  I love it when new phones come out, this is the kind of stuff an Android geek lives for.

But the other side of the coin is that we often need a way to get things back to normal, whether it be because we changed our minds or might need a little hardware warranty work done.  We're not going to get into the moral argument of what your responsibilities are once you decide to root (we have forums for that), I just wanted to let you guys know that the latest version of Pete's Motorola Root Tools allow you to fully unroot your Droid Bionic -- as in no leftover bits left behind.  I asked the man himself, and sure enough, his tool gets in the system and removes all binaries, returning your phone to a fully unrooted state.

This is important.  Some previous methods to unroot phones left the su binary behind and only removed the visual traces of being rooted -- leaving your phone a bit unsecure.  Pete has you covered here, though.  The same tool you use to root your Bionic will unroot it, and do it the right way.  Remember, it won't restore bloatware that you've removed or restore settings you may have changed, you'll have to sort all that out beforehand.  Until we can dig up a factory .sbf file for the Bionic, this is the best solution.  Just use it wisely, and be sure to thank Pete if it saves your bacon.  Grab the latest version of the tool and read the particulars at the source link. 

Source: Pete's Motorola Root Tools

Charlize Theron
Anna Faris

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